Refund Policy

It is our absolute priority that all customers are 100% satisfied when shopping at Elavure.

Returns & Exchanges

If you are unsatisfied with your order and would like to return or exchange your merchandise for a replacement or refund, then please contact us for instructions.


  • We accept returns within 14 days of package delivery.
  • All returns are subject to a $10 restocking fee which will be deducted from your refund or invoiced to you (for exchanged items)
  • If your order exceeds $100, then returns/exchanges are subject to a 10% restocking fee.
  • The restocking fee can be waived if you choose to receive store credit for a future purchase.
  • Your refund will typically arrive within 5-10 business days.
  • If you experience issues, please contact your bank for support

Order Issues

If your order contains missing/wrong items or has arrived defective, please contact us at and we will gladly issue a full refund or free replacement for the inconvenience.

  • We may need to ask for further evidence/proof to validate the defectiveness of your delivered merchandise.
  • We do not provide full refunds or replacements for damages caused by human error (ie. accidental drops, water/heat damage, etc).
  • You have 14 days from the date of delivery to report defective or any other issue with your order.

Order Changes & Cancellations

If you need to cancel or change your order, we require that you contact us at within 24 hours of placing your order.

We cannot cancel or make any changes to your order if it has already been processed for shipment. (even if we process it before the time frames listed above).

Additional Policies

  • If your order was lost in shipment, then please get in touch with us and we will issue a new replacement to be sent.
  • If your tracking information states your order has been delivered, but it is nowhere to be found, please contact us and we'll do our best to resolve the situation before we consider a replacement to be sent.
  • If the package is lost due to the input of a wrong address or name, then we advise contacting your local post office for additional support as we will not be able to issue a refund. (a fee will be charged for replacements).
  • If your order was sent to a previously owned address, then we advise you to contact your local post office to request the package to be forwarded to your new address.
  • If you refuse delivery of your order, we will not provide a refund.